Methods of Creating Mental Peace from the Perspective of the Holy Quran


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Imam Hossein University of Medical Sciences

2 Teacher and Researcher at Imam Hossein University

3 Graduated from the master's degree at Imam Hussein University


Introduction: Mental peace is an inevitable and vital necessity for humanity. Today, mental stress is known as the disease of the civilization, and to get rid of it, the holy Quran is considered the best healing remedy. The purpose of this study is to identify ways of creating relaxation from the viewpoint of the holy Quran.
Method: This is a fundamental type of research work conducted by qualitative method and content analysis approach. The statistical population consists of all the Quranic verses and Quranic interpretations. The statistical sample includes all the verses of the holy Quran directly or indirectly related to the issue of relaxation.
Results: The results revealed eleven ways of creating mental peace from the Quran's perspective: Islamic governance, marriage, patience and resistance, benefaction and altruism, efficient management, faith, righteous deed, prayer, sleep, hope for Divine grace and mercy, and hope for Divine promises.
Discussion: Given that the Quran is a healing prescription from God for human beings, making use of these ways results in relaxation. In fact, all of these strategies are effective in creating mental peace.


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