The Impact of Anger Management Group Training on Happiness, Mental Health, and Aggression in Shahed Junior High School Girls in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Imam Hussein (a.s.) Comprehensive University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Imam Hossein Comprehensive University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of anger management group training on aggression, mental health and happiness in Shahed Junior High School Girls in Tehran.
Method: This is an applied quasi-experimental study with a control group and pretest-posttest design. From among the 3600 members of the statistical population, a sample of 350 individuals was selected according to Morgan's table and using the stratified cluster sampling method and administered the aggression test. From among them, 50 individuals with a higher aggression score were selected and the final sample including 30 subjects was selected randomly from among them and was divided into experimental group (n₌15) and control group (n₌15). The experimental group received twelve 60-minutes sessions of anger management training package based on the cognitive-behavioral approach. The Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire (1992), the Goldberg Mental Health Questionnaire (1972) and the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (2002) were administered to the experimental and control groups before and after the training sessions. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the data and covariance analysis was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.
Results: The findings revealed that anger management group training reduced the students' aggression and increased their mental health and happiness.
Discussion: Given the findings of this study, planning to teach anger management to students would be a suitable way to reduce these impairments.


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