An Investigation into the Impact of Group Counseling and Treatment of Grief with an Islamic Approach on the Improvement of the Quality of Life of the Holy Shrine Defender Martyrs' Wives

Document Type : Original Article


Master of General Psychology, Brujen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Brujen, Iran


Introduction: The present study is aimed at examining the impact of group counseling and treatment of grief with an Islamic approach to improve the quality of life of the holy shrine defender martyrs' wives who are often afflicted with grief following the martyrdom of their husbands.
Method: This study is based on a semi-experimental design with experimental and control groups and pre-test and post-test. The sample included 16 people with 8 wives of martyrs in each group who were identified to be mournful. The sample was selected using the availability sampling method. The data collection instruments were the Quality of Life Questionnaire of Weir and Sherborne (1992) and a training package for counseling and treatment of grief with an Islamic approach (specially used for adults). The data were analyzed using covariance analysis.
Results: The results showed that group counseling and treatment of grief with an Islamic approach to improve the quality of life of the holy shrine defender martyrs' wives was effective (p < 0.001).
Discussion: The present study indicated that group counseling and treatment of grief with an Islamic approach can be utilized to treat grief.


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