The Impact of Meaning Therapy on the Level of Happiness and Loneliness of the Infertile Spouses of Disabled Veterans

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University.


This study was aimed at determining the effectiveness of meaning therapy on the level of happiness and loneliness of the infertile spouses of disabled veterans. The study population included all the infertile spouses of the disabled veterans who had referred to the gynecology and obstetrics ward of Sasan Hospital in Tehran (n = 800 people). To determine the sample size according to Krejcie Morgan’s table (1972), at first 260 people were randomly selected, and they answered the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (2001) and the California Loneliness Scale (1980). From among them, 30 people who had obtained the desired scores in both questionnaires were randomly selected and then divided into an experimental group (n = 15) and a control group ((n = 15). The subjects in the experimental group received twelve ninety-minute sessions of meaning therapy while the control group did not receive any treatment. The obtained results were analyzed using MANCOVA statistical index, and it was revealed that the effect of meaning therapy on happiness and loneliness was significant at p < 0.1 level. Therefore, it was concluded that meaning therapy is effective in increasing the happiness and reducing the feeling of loneliness in the infertile spouses of disabled veterans.


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