Predicting Illness Attitude Based on Caregiver Burden and Stress Coping Styles in Disabled Veterans

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA, Department of Islamic Psychology, Electronics Branch, Islamic Azad University.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University.


The present study was conducted to investigate illness attitude based on patient coping styles and caregiver burden. This is an applied research work, and with regard to data collection it is correlational-descriptive research. The statistical population consisted of all the disabled veterans referring to Sasan Hospital in Tehran, Iran in 2017-2018, from among whom a group of 50 people were selected as the sample according to the formula of sampling without alternative using a pre-study. The data collection instruments were three questionnaires: the Illness Attitudes Scale, the Caregiver Burden Inventory and Stress Coping Styles Questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed, and first the research was assumed to be normal and the results indicated that the research data had a normal distribution. Based on Pearson correlation coefficient and simultaneous regression analyses in SPSS23 software at the significance level of 0.05, the results of the first hypothesis showed that time-dependent burden and emotional burden had a significant negative relationship with illness attitude. The regression results also showed that time-dependent burden and emotional burden variables can predict attitude toward illness, and also problem-oriented coping style had a significant negative relationship with attitude toward illness. Regression results further revealed that problem-oriented coping style can predict attitude toward illness. Therefore, attitude toward illness can be explained with stress coping style and caregiver burden variables.


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