The Impact of Group Structural Family Therapy Training on Family Functioning and Marital Satisfaction of Women with Disabled Veteran Husbands

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author: PhD Candidate and Instructor of Psychology and Educational Sciences in Zahedan

2 Department of Psychology, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran

3 Associate Professor,Faculty of Educational and psychology, Department of Psychology, University Of sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran


Introduction: The family is the oldest social institution that has existed since the beginning of human existence and is the basis of society. Therefore, the present study deals with the impact of group structural family therapy training on family functioning and marital satisfaction of women with disabled veteran husbands.
Method: This is a quasi-experimental study conducted in 2018 using a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The research population included women living in Zahedan whose husbands were veterans with 25 to 40 percent disability. Following a demographic analysis and clinical interview of the patients, a group of 50 subjects having the research requirements was selected.  After they answered the family functioning and marital satisfaction questionnaires and participated in the structural clinical interview for axes I, II, and DSM-IV disorders, 48 individuals who had received the lowest scores in family functioning and marital satisfaction questionnaires were selected and randomly assigned into an experimental group (n ₌ 24) and a control group (n ₌ 24). The experimental group received nine weekly 90-minute sessions of training while the control group received no training, and both groups took the posttest when the experimental group’s training terminated.  Shapiro-Wilk test, Levin test, Box test, Wilkes’ Lambda test and analysis of covariance were employed to analyze the data using SPSS-20 software.
Results: The findings revealed that group structural family therapy training improved family functioning and marital satisfaction of women with disabled veteran husbands, and also the score difference between the experimental and control groups was significant (p < 0.05).
Discussion: In group structural family therapy, women were helped to simultaneously reveal their existing conflicts and make it possible for them to be resolved. They were practically helped to learn the correct way of solving these conflicts and to apply it in real life, which resulted in the improvement of their family functioning and marital satisfaction.


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