The Effectiveness of Emotional and Social Skills Training on Reducing Addiction Potential among Shahed High School Students (Children of Disabled Veterans, Veterans and Military Staff) in Tabriz

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author: PhD Candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan

2 Full Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tabriz


Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the impact of social and emotional skills training on reducing addiction potential among the male students of Shahed High Schools.
Method: Using the availability sampling method, two groups of 25 people were selected completely randomly as the experimental group and the control group. To collect the research data, both groups were made to take the Addiction Potential Questionnaire as a pre-test. Then the experimental group participated in ten one-hour sessions of social and emotional skills training. During this period, the control group did not receive any intervention. At the end of the training, the Addiction Potential Questionnaire was administered on the subjects as a post-test. Analysis of covariance was used to analyze the results.
Results: Data analysis shows that teaching social and emotional skills reduces addiction potential, addiction readiness and decrease in confession of it among students.
Discussion: The results indicate that this method can be used as a coping approach in the education of adolescents, which should be considered by reference groups such as counselors, school educators and social planners.


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