Prediction of Observing Social Values and Identity Based on Self-Esteem in High School Students of Shahed Schools in District 5 of Tehran

Document Type : Original Article




The aim of this study was to predict the observance of social values ​​and identity based on self-esteem in female high school students in Shahed schools. The subjects of this study consisted of 185 students from Shahed schools in District 5 of Tehran. In the present descriptive study, the subjects were selected by the cluster sampling method, and they completed the Allport Values ​​Questionnaire (1961), the Zahra Akbarpour Social Identity Questionnaire (2002) and the Cooper Smith Self-Esteem Scale (1967). Pearson correlation, independent t-test and multivariate regression were used to analyze the data. There is a significant positive relationship between identity and overall self-esteem, identity and social self-esteem, identity and family self-esteem and identity and academic self-esteem. The relationship between observance of social values ​​and overall self-esteem is positive, but it is not statistically significant. The relationship between observance of social values ​​and social self-esteem and family self-esteem and academic self-esteem is significant and positive. Overall self-esteem could not predict identity formation independently. Family self-esteem could predict identity formation, but the rate of predictability was not significant for social self-esteem. Religious identity, gender identity, group identity (friends and family) can predict the criterion variable. As students' self-esteem increases, desirable changes in identity and observance of social values ​​are expected.


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