The Impact of Perceived Social Support on Psychological Well-Being with the Mediating Role of Resilience (Military Personnel of Iran South East)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Economy and Accountancy, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran

2 PH.D Candidate in Administrative Management, Sistan and Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran

3 MA in Administrative Management, Industry, Mining and Trade Organization , Birjand, Iran


Introduction: Due to the emergence of a positive approach to mental health, psychological well-being has attracted the attention of scientific communities.
Method: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of nature and method. Data collection tools are standard questionnaires. Their validity was determined by structural validity and their reliability was determined by Cronbach's alpha. The statistical population of the study consisted of military personnel in southeastern Iran and Smart PLS software was used to analyze the research data.
Results: The results showed that perceived social support had a positive and significant effect on psychological well-being of 0.327, perceived social support had a positive and significant effect on resilience of 0.823 and resilience had a significant positive effect on psychological well-being of 0.553. Also, the effect of perceived social support on psychological well-being with the mediating role of resilience was estimated to be 0.327.
Conclusion: Considering the positive and significant effect of perceived social support on psychological well-being and rehabilitation and the positive effect of resilience on psychological well-being, military units are recommended to hold life skills workshops and use various media in order to intervene. Behavioral and social measures for education, training programs and encouraging families.


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