Effective factors and the role of positive self-images and positive thinking on increasing compliance with safety and security issues

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding author: PhD. Candidate, Department of Regional Studies, Land Department, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA in Defense Affairs Management, Land Department, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


The current research aims to determine the effective factors and the role of positive self-images and positive thinking on increasing compliance with safety and security issues by using the analytical descriptive method and using the Delphi technique, in an applied manner, prepared and tried to take an effective step in line with the goal of the research. The statistical community was 25 experts and experts related to the subject, who were selected by the snowball method. In the following, by conducting theoretical studies and field research, using library and field data collection tools, regarding the calculation of components, effective factors and investigating the role of positive self-images and positive thinking on increasing compliance with safety and security issues, in the form of a conceptual model of action and at the same time Consulting with experts was done to modify some components and remove less effective factors, and finally, these factors were compiled, distributed and collected in the form of a questionnaire consisting of 13 closed questions and one open question to obtain the opinion of the statistical sample community. After collecting and reviewing the questionnaires, using SPSS and EXEL software, data analysis was done, and then summarizing and evaluating the answer to the research problem. Then, in response to the research question, the four components; Faith in God, happiness in the work environment, job-appropriate personality and organizational virtue, and according to the average priority, the extent of their influence has been determined as effective factors in positive self-images and positive thinking on increasing compliance with safety and security issues.


Main Subjects

Smiley face

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Volume 13, Issue 52
Winter Quarterly
February 2023
Pages 189-222
  • Receive Date: 09 February 2019
  • Revise Date: 04 March 2020
  • Accept Date: 24 October 2022