A Study of lived experience of the wives of the shrine martyrs: A Phenomenological Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Counseling, Faculty of Humanities, Refah University (Espicially for Sisiters), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Psychology and Education, Faculty of Humanities, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Educational Science, Faculty of Humanities, Refah University (Espicially for Sisiters), Tehran, Iran



The wives of martyrs have experienced the absence of their loved ones. Therefore, the present study aimed to by A Study of lived experience wives of the martyrs who defended the shrine.


The research method was qualitative descriptive phenomenology. The participants were selected among wives of martyrs defending the shrine of Tehran province in 2021 by purposeful sampling method. The research tools included semi-structured interviews from 15 participants and the data were analyzed by Colaizzi's content analysis method.


Eight main themes including; “Psychological reactions to the martyrdom of the wife”, “concerns, sufferings” and “unresolved regrets after the martyrdom of the spouse”, “the interaction of the problem of continuous medication with the wife's family”, “rejection and social isolation of the self-willed”,” judgments and prejudices of the society”, “economic and livelihood concerns and problems”, “concerns about the child's ambiguous future” and “laws and the dual behavior of the authorities” are divided.


The findings revealed that the wives of the martyrs are exposed to many psychological distress and personal, family and social challenges, sometimes preferring isolation. Awareness of the lived experiences and challenges facing these women will help family counselors and society policymakers to gain a deeper understanding of the problems of this group and to provide them with the necessary psychological and health care.


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