Study of The Life's Quality, Satisfaction and Marital Intimacy among Staff Members of the Police (Qualitative Research)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: Military personnel should be given special attention due to the sensitivity of the work, its danger, the frequent changes, and the likelihood of unforeseen events, and the key role in maintaining peace and security at home and preventing external threats. In this study, the life's quality, satisfaction, and marital intimacy among police's personnel were studied.
Method: The research was carried out with qualitative approach and phenomenological model. To this end, semi-structured interview was done for 16 police's personnel according to the principles of qualitative research methodology. All interviews were recorded and analyzed by the Coliseum method.
Findings: In this study, 4 main subjects and several minor subjects were extracted. The main subjects included: Waiting for the wife, Friendship and intimacy with your spouse, Wives' sacrifice for a better life, Satisfaction with the quality of life and work. One of the questions of this research was how military personnel assess their life's quality? Overall, according to the feedback analysis, it can be said that the quality and life satisfaction of police's personnel is not very different from the rest of the population, but in some cases stress and financial problems affect the lives of these people.
Conclusion: People who work as a police have satisfaction of their lives and good relationships with their wives and family.


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